Carrie Robbins

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Contributor Carrie Robbins
Gender Female
Functions Costume Designer

Costume Designer

Roger Barratt - Lighting Designer

Clifford Grant - Actor and Singer

Roger Howell - Actor and Singer

Lindy Hume - Director

David Kram - Conductor

Anthony Roden - Actor and Singer

Douglas W Schmidt - Designer

Leigh Warren - Choreographer

Dubravka Zubovic - Actor and Singer

Tasso Bouyessis - Actor and Singer

Brian Gilbertson - Actor and Singer

Daniel Helps - Actor and Singer

Victoria Lamb - Stage Manager, Assistant

Michael Lewis - Actor and Singer

Gus Macdonald - Stage Manager, Assistant

Antonio Pretto - Director, Assistant

Anne Reid - Stage Manager

Christine Rothauser - Lecturer

Camille Saint-Saens - Composer

Adelaide Symphony Orchestra

State Opera of South Australia Youth Company

The State Opera of South Australia

Identifier 488370