Betty Carson

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Contributor Betty Carson
Gender Female
Functions Musician, Pianist

Musician, Pianist

Hermonn - Director, Lighting Designer, Set Designer

Alan Aungles - Musician, Flautist

Rae Cocking - Actor

Harold Coggins - Actor

Albert Colbert - Actor and Singer

Gerry Cooper - Actor

Sue Crafter - Administrator, Secretary, Publicist

Andrew Crayford - Actor and Singer

Barbara Crompton - Actor

Ed Cymerman - Stage Manager, Assistant

Trevor Davis - Choreographer

James Dodds - Front of House

Frank Dougal - Lighting Designer

Peter Drake - Stage Manager

Bill Everett - Lighting Designer, Lighting Operator / Technician

Amanda Finnis - Actor and Singer

Geoff Ford - Choreographer, Publicist

David Gallasch - Musician, Pianist

Peter Goerecke - Actor, Scenic Artist

John Hall - Musician, Pianist

Kaye Hamlyn - Actor and Singer

Jane Harding - Follow Spot Operator

Tony Haslam - Actor

Trevor Hemer - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Manager

Mark Hemsley - Actor and Singer

David Heneker - Composer

Barry Hill - Actor

John Hockley - Actor and Singer

David Hood - Musician, Trumpeter

Tanya Hoopman - Actor and Singer

Norma Hunter - Singer, Mezzo-Soprano

Kelli Jones - Actor and Singer

Irene Karczewski - Actor and Singer

Reg Livermore - Lyricist, Writer

Phillip Lowe - Actor and Singer

Bob MacKrell - Follow Spot Operator

Anthony Martin - Actor and Singer

Sandra McKenzie - Composer

Paul Mesecke - Actor and Singer

Audrey Mitchell - Singer, Contralto

Carole Mitchell - Actor and Singer

Kris Nielsen - Publicist

Leonie Osborn - Costume Co-ordinator, Publicist

Max Pearce - Musician, Bass

Malcolm Potter - Singer, Tenor

Don Quin - Actor, Set Designer

Jane Renner - Actor and Singer

Ian Rigney - Actor and Singer, Publicist

Keith Shutter - Scenic Artist, Set Designer

Ron Sisson - Musical Director

Marlene Small - Actor and Singer

Susie Small - Actor

Loriel Smart - Director, Set Designer

Genty Stevens - Singer, Soprano

Jenn Tranter - Actor and Singer

Jean Walker - Actor

Rory Walker - Actor

Susan Washington - Actor

Cathy Weber - Singer, Soprano

H G Wells - Author

Leanne Westmark - Properties Officer

Lionel Williams - Narrator

Fred Williamson - Singer, Tenor

Adelaide Repertory Theatre Incorporated

The Adelaide Consort of Singers

The Metropolitan Musical Theatre Company

Identifier 404033